Wow! I can not believe that we have finally arrived at the end! It has been an amazing journey!
Sarah Jordan was able to spend yesterday and today doing the program with Hannah. She jumped right in and was involved in everything. (Be prepared . . . the quality of the photographs is all over the place tonight. But I figured, why should tonight be any different?)
Today lunch was provided by the program. Cracks me up that you can ALWAYS find Hannah in these pics. She likes to stand out. It's her father's DNA.
I don't know whose DNA this is . . .
On the last day of the program they do a little graduation recognition. This is Hannah and her case manager.
More of the team.
When a student graduates from the program the whole group will usually get together and do something like eating out or a movie. Tonight they went to see a movie.
The final goodies in the RMH mailbox.
And a last picture of her door.
We have been amazed at all that has happened over the last month. We know that your faithful and relentless prayers have sustained us. Words are inadequate to express how grateful we are for all of your support. You have sacrificed your time, talent and treasure to bless us and minister to us. Thank you.
We have seen some miracles here this week. The biggest, of course, is Hannah. The change in her has been huge. Hannah was running in the halls yesterday. It has been a long time since I have seen her run. So I didn't say anything to stop her. I just prayed for the people she might run into. And that they weren't the lawsuit type.
Getting this blog done every night was another miracle. This program is exhausting for Hannah, but I'm here to tell you that it isn't a piece of cake for the parents! There were nights I wanted to go to bed at 6:00p. And not get out of bed. Ever. However, the RMH doesn't let you keep food in your room. Enough said.
Sarah Jordan did much better than we expected. We were afraid it would be really hard on her to be away from mom that long. Ummm, no. She did just fine. So I am sending her to college. Next year.
There was one thing that did not happen. Sarah Jordan did not get her dad on a schedule and into a routine. She tried. She really did.
I am so looking forward to going home. I have missed home. I have been gone so long that I have forgotten what home looks like. Please tell me that it looks like this . . .
I can not wait to sleep in my own bed. I have missed my electric blanket. That I use year round. In fact, I will be lighting a fire in the fireplace when I get home. To thaw out my feet. Ohhhh, bliss.
And after I get home and settled I am going to invest in a new pair of these . . . for obvious reasons. Which I plan to use. Because I have tried just looking at them and that hasn't help me.
God bless you all. Signing off....Anne
What a WONDERFUL "last" post, Anne! You CRACK.ME.UP!! If home looks remotely like that picture...I am not leaving tomorrow for our Spring Break trip, and will be stopping by the Montgomery's cabana instead!! :)
ReplyDeleteI LOVE each and every line of this post...but I LOVE the part that brings your sweet Hannah alive! To hear that she was RUNNING down the HALL??? What?? Amazing..!! HA! So glad people were smart enough to step aside and that there were no injuries reported!
SOOOOO thankful for this program!!!! So thankful that you are coming HOME!! See you when we get back!!! Love you - Angie